Monday, September 27, 2010

Let's Get Physical

As I mentioned in our last blog, I finally joined a gym!

Before I could officially join the gym, I had to complete a tour of the facilities and equipment and take part in a “fitness assessment.” I wasn’t sure what to expect with the fitness assessment, so I showed up to the gym after work, scared to death they’d make me run a mile or something. Instead, the trainer hooked me up to a heart monitor and told me to lie down completely still on the couch for 5 minutes. Weird, but okay. It turns out he was measuring my resting heart rate. The results showed my heart beats an average of 65 times per minute, which apparently means I’m lazy. So on the scale of very poor, poor, fair, good, very good, and excellent, my fitness level is…


Waaahhhh!!! But am I that surprised? No, not really. I haven’t worked out religiously since we got Wii Fit this past Spring. And before that, I ran with Kirby to get in shape for my wedding and honeymoon. But that was a while ago….

The trainer could tell I was disappointed and assured me that my fitness level would improve with some circuit training to strengthen my heart. My next test is in three months, so I have to stay motivated for at least the next 90 days.

The gym is restricted to Dell employees and paying gym members only, so I had to get special badge access to enter. As I was setting up the elliptical equipment, I asked the trainer when my badge would become gym-activated. “When you drop 20 pounds,” he replied.


It wasn’t my weight that was poor, right? There was no way! 20 pounds is too much for me, unless I want to look like skeletore. I just stared at him thinking, “Are you an idiot? I’m not dropping 20 pounds! What kind of a trainer are you – putting your clients underweight?!” After a few awkward moments of my stare of death and his serious return stare, I realized he meant the 20 pound induction fee. And of course! Weight is calculated in kilograms over here!


This is my third week as a gym-member. I’ve started off by training most days on the elliptical and treadmill at embarrassing low level settings. I may start taking classes during lunch once I build up some endurance. The instructor would probably kick my butt, though, and then wipe the floor with my lifeless body after I’ve passed out from exhaustion… so maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. OMG that was hilarious! It reminded me of when I joined 24Hr Fitness before my wedding (when I was super-skinny and training for the half marathon). The trainer there did the fat test on me and told me I was obese. Seriously. Awesome. I was thinking...what are all the really fat people!?

    I am so excited you are working out. We can work out together when you get back. I have taken up a lot of yoga and I love it. By the way, you are skinny and beautiful and your metabolism is ridiculous! But, I am glad you are working out to stay healthy! :)

    Can't wait to see you this weekend!
